7 Reasons Why Employee Drug Testing Might Be Implemented By Employers

7 Reasons Why Employee Drug Testing Might Be Implemented By Employers

When those who work at Sivana Rehab have first contact with someone they are going to support and help free themselves of drug addiction, it is often done via the patient’s employer. Many employers have drug testing as their policy and part of contracts of employment, and they are there as much to have criteria that are designed to support their employees rather than punish them.

There are arguments on both sides of the divide regarding workplace drug testing. Some employees believe their rights are being trampled on by employers insisting that they have drug tests, and this is not because they take drugs and fear being caught and ordered to register for drug rehab. Instead, they feel that a drug test is an invasion of their privacy, and it is a legitimate argument that they make.

However, if an employer wishes to have a drug policy that includes the right to drug test their employees when those employees sign their contract of employment of which the company’s drug policy is a part, then they are agreeing to be drug tested at work.

As for the reasons employers choose to conduct drug testing, there is more than the most basic one, which is to catch someone who is using drugs. In truth, there are several reasons why drug testing is instigated, and below, you can see that we have outlined seven of those reasons.


Is it Worth Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency?

Is it Worth Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency?

In this era of change, hiring a digital marketing agency can be a game-changer for your business. For instance, SLINKY, an Australian company, has gone beyond just offering services such as web design, SEO, and comprehensive digital marketing strategies to their clients; they have transformed their experiences.

Navigating the intricacies of online marketing can be likened to traversing a maze in the digital era. Here’s a more experience-based, tailored explanation of why hiring a digital marketing agency might be your greatest option to date.

The Benefit of Expertise

  • Real-life example:  Imagine a café in Perth that was previously obscured by digital shadows. Following an agency’s intervention? Its bespoke SEO technique has made it the talk of the town.
  • Key takeaway:  The most important lesson is to master the usage of the tools in your particular context rather than only being aware of them.


Do I Need to Pay Special Attention to Anything When Moving a Business?

Do I Need to Pay Special Attention to Anything When Moving a Business?

Depending on the size of your online business, relocating a company office can be a big job. There are a lot of things to consider, which means that it’s crucial to find a skilled removals company that you can work alongside.

Professional removalists will be able to guide you through the entire relocation process, but there are still plenty of things that you will need to pay special attention to. In the rest of this article we’ve outlined some of the most important.

  1. Carefully Consider Your Budget

For starters, we always recommend spending a little time working out exactly how much your office relocation is going to cost. It’s best to do this right at the start so that you know if it’s really worth going through with the move. Think about things like:

  • The cost of using a professional removals company. This is a non-negotiable, but you still need to keep it in mind.
  • Any items that need special transporting, such as chemicals or research samples.
  • The cost of any new equipment that you will have to purchase when setting up your new office.

In addition, you also need to take into account the indirect cost of lost income due to work disruptions during the moving process.


5 Critical Benefits Of Team Building

5 Critical Benefits Of Team Building

If you are a manager, a coach, or someone who is responsible for any group of individuals, you will undoubtedly have heard people tell you that you should use team building to make your team achieve greater results. Obviously having better results is a great reason for using team building, but it is not the only one.

Although better results might be considered the ultimate goal of team building, it usually happens due to the many other benefits that team building can offer. These benefits to your team help them to work better together and that invariably leads to greater success. So let us look at 5 of the top benefits that team building can produce.

Knowing Each Other Better

It is a sad truth that there will be employees within a workforce who will have been there for years and yet they barely know much about their colleagues. We are not talking about them knowing every gory detail about each other’s private life, but rather knowing what motivates them, what skills and talents they have, and most importantly, what, and how they contribute to the team.

If every member of a team knows the strengths and weaknesses of the others within that team it means they can adjust their input accordingly to compensate for others where necessary or defer to those who are better at certain tasks or skills. Also, bear in mind being ‘lonely’ within a team is not desirable so creating an atmosphere where everyone knows and respects each other is what you should be striving for.

Inspiring Ideas

If your team trusts each other, and you have created an atmosphere where everyone’s opinion is valued then it creates an environment where bringing new ideas to the table is encouraged. Having several people all sharing, discussing, and working on ideas is a much more positive way to make improvements than relying on individuals doing so.
