5 Reasons Why You Should Go For Secure Web Hosting

With modern advancements, all the dealings are being done through the Internet and eCommerce is now a common concept. Thus, security of online data is becoming more challenging. As a result, businesses are shifting towards sites that have secure hosts. In short, the value of privacy is increasing and people are ready to invest in it as well.

Following are five reasons you should select secure Slinky Web Hosting when choosing a host for your website:

1.     Encryption and Decryption

Hacking of databases, leakage of private information, such as postal addresses and credit card numbers, are becoming a norm.  To avoid such occurrences, the demand for secured web hosting is increasing. With it, a proper and secure encryption is made to protect the data transmission between two parties. Decryption of data is provided only to the owner; therefore, even if the data is hacked, it won’t be readable as it is present in code.

2.     Protection and Recognition

SSL certification is provided to sites when they pay for secure web hosting which secures the data of their previous customers. It also helps in attracting new clients as the security of data encryption is promising protection from hacking and malware. Updating the technology that protects data makes you renowned and popular among your clients. Another factor that adds more credibility is your domain name URL that has the S in HTTPS:// which is a sign of a secured website.

3.     Web Host Requires Less Information

You may think opting for secure web hosting means that they will have your private information too, but that’s not true. Web hosts only require the most basic information about you in order to provide you with good service. The only information they will need about you will be your email address. Your name, credit card information and billing address won’t be present in their records.

4.     Backup Data

To have a backup of your data is really important. It facilitates you in emergency situations which may arise out of nowhere. The backups can be done on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Web hosts who backup daily are ideal because the most recent version of your website will be restored at any time when the server is down.  An option for manual backups is also available to save the website after any additional changes. By using data backup, you don’t have to worry about losing your content.

5.     Technical Support

This service is offered by your web host for situations where users need some technical advice for their website. Secure web hosting provides you with the benefit to contact them any time of the day and they will reply to your concerns. You don’t have to stop your business or even wait for hours when you come across a technical difficulty. These support personnel are also technically knowledgeable and experienced so you won’t have to worry about them, not being able to fix the problem.

Secure hosting portrays you as a good company and attracts customers who prefer security over everything else. Although most of the web hosts offer secure service, but small businesses do not think security to be a major concern because of the costs associated with it. This is will surely give you an edge over the competition.

5 Reasons Why You Should Go For Secure Web Hosting
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